Hi all,
I would like to start this post off by wishing everyone a happy New Year. I hope you all were safe and enjoyed yourselves and are ready for 2011.
So some pics at last and they are of some Privateer Press HORDES Circle of Orboros minis. Circle has become my faction of choice recently, slightly overshadowing my love of all things Menoth, and this has partly happened because i adore painting the minis. They are so appealing to me that i want to paint them and that can't be a bad thing!
So up today is a pic of a Stoneward and couple of Woldstalkers. The unit officially comprises of the Stoneward and 5 Woldstalkers but i only took a few minis to photograph as the pic quality would be better. BUT as i mentioned in my last post the unit is completely painted and i am very happy because i rarely have fully painted armies.
The theme i have gone for with my Circle force is "Constructs". Constructs being giant stone beasts and tree men. Partly because i love the models and enjoy painting them and partly because i think they play well in the game. However i have purchased some more living Circle minis and i am getting the urge to expand into that area...
So just a few minis to share today, now i have the camera for a bit i will be taking some more pics of various bits and bobs over the next few days so keep checking back. I'l finish off with a single pic of the Stoneward for you.
Great painting and a Happy New Year to you as well!
Bloody lovely matey :)
Brilliant job on these pieces brother!! :)
Nice to see you swing your brush again! Brilliant work, Rob!
Happy new year! ;)
Thanks for all the kind words guys, feels good to be posting pics again, not to mention getting some fully painted units on the table!
Bill, My paint station has been invaded by some Legion of Everblight... :)
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