Friday, February 10, 2012

Odds and ends

H all,

Been a long time I know. Lots going on plus camera issues = a poorly updated blog. Will try and keep the updates coming!

So here are a few odds and ends ive been meaning to photograph and post for a while. First up are the elusive Foundry oriental pirates i have been promising for ages. They were painted to fit in with the Ironclad miniatures oriental characters i painted a while ago. I still have the rest of the crew to complete before i am ready for gaming. As mentioned my camera has issues and the focus is not 100% but you get the idea:

Next up is a Copplestone Azande. Just got the one painted so far to act as a guide for my Darkest Africa British but i have the rest of the pack to get through at some point. Still working on my African flesh tones, need more practice!

Next is a Musketeer Miniatures British Civil war character. Have no intention of gaming the period, just love some of the figures! Enjoyed painting him and he will end up on eBay soon i think:

Finally i have a group of three newish releases from Foundry; Satyrs from their new Tribes of Legend range. I LOVE this range and have invested in almost every pack and the rulebook. Greek mythology is very interesting to me and after reading the rulebook i think they are on to a winner. I understand there is some hate for a lot of the new Foundry lines but i think this one is great and looking forward to painting more:

So thats a few odds and ends ive had lying about for a while. Hopefully i can keep the posts coming if my camera behaves itself... Gaming wise i am still enjoying Warmachine / Hordes and am getting to grips with Bushido from GCT Studios. Nice game and nice minis, Check it out here:



The Doc said...

Beautiful work, Rob! :) Particularly like the Chinese!

Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...
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Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

It's hard to tell your camera isn't up to snuff as those look great!!


botwt said...

I always love seeing your have a true gift my friend! Excellent job on these! :)